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Rental Terms and Conditions



Please Read Carefully. You Are Liable For Our Gear From Time It Leaves Our Facility Until the Time It Us Returned To Us and We Sign For It


  1. Indemnity. Renter (“You”) agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Basecamp Outdoor Gear, our agents, employees, assignees, suppliers (Us/We), harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, rights, damages of any kind, costs, expenses, and compensation whatsoever including court costs and attorneys’ fees (“Claims”), in any way arising from, or in connection with the Gear rented under this Agreement (“Gear”), from the time the Gear leaves our place of business when you rent it until the Gear is returned to us during normal business hours and we sign a written receipt for it.

  2. Rental Period. The first rental day of the contract begins on the date listed on your rental invoice as “Pickup Date”. The last rental day is the the date listed on your rental invoice as “Return Date”, if the Gear is returned before 5:30 PM on that day. Gear returned after 5:30 PM is subject to an additional day’s rental charge. The amount of the daily rental charges is displayed on our website ("") for each item prior to adding it to your shopping cart. This period terminates on the date of the Gear’s physical return to us.

  3. Loss of or Damage to Gear. You are responsible for loss, damage or destruction of the Gear, including but not limited to losses while in transit, while loading and unloading, while at any and all locations, while in storage and while on your premises.

  4. Shipments. If the Gear is shipped, Rental period shall begin on specified date. Travel time to you and back to Basecamp Outdoor Gear does not count towards rental period if ample time is provided to ship gear to your desired location. Receipt of shipment on the day the gear is due is required or you will be charged for additional rental time while we await the arrival of gear to our office in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  5. Return of Gear. Normal wear and tear is expected, but we do expect you to treat the Gear as if it were your own. The acceptance of the return of leased Gear is not a waiver of claims we may have against the Renter, nor is it a waiver of claims for latent or patent damage to the rented Gear.

  6. Protection of Others. You will take reasonable precautions in regard to the use of the Gear to protect all persons and property from injury or damage.

  7. Gear in Working Order. We have tested the Gear in accordance with reasonable industry standards and found it to be in working order immediately prior to your rental.

  8. Value of Gear. You shall be responsible to us for the replacement cost value or repair cost of the Gear (if the Gear can be restored, by repair, to its pre-loss condition) whichever is less.

  9. Gear Ownership. Basecamp Outdoor Gear will at all times be the sole owner of the Gear.

  10. Identity. We will have the right to place and maintain on the exterior or interior of each piece of property covered by this Agreement the following inscription: Basecamp Outdoor Gear. You will not remove, obscure, or deface the inscription or permit any other person to do so.

  11. Expenses. You will be responsible for all expenses, including but not limited to fuel, lubricants, and all other charges in connection with the operation of the Gear.

  12. Electronic Signature. This Agreement may be executed by electronic signature and such signature shall be deemed a valid and binding original signature.

  13. Gear Return. Upon the expiration date of this Agreement with respect to any or all Gear, you will return the Gear to us, together with all accessories, free from all damage and in the same condition and appearance as when received by you.

  14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and any attached schedules, which are incorporated by reference and made an integral part of the Agreement, constitute the entire agreement between the parties.

  15. Applicable Law. This Agreement will be deemed to be executed and delivered in Las Vegas Nevada and governed by the laws of the State of Nevada.

  16. Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this Agreement or breach of this Agreement will be settled by arbitration, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The prevailing party in any such arbitration shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys fees and costs in addition to any other relief granted.

  17. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application of any of its provisions to any party or circumstance is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, and the application of those provisions to the other parties or circumstances, will remain valid and in full force and effect.

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